What types of blends are best for relights.

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Sep 17, 2023
Ok gents....I find I really prefer a fresh bowl of tobacco but I dont always feel like smoking the whole bowl in one sitting. I find myself smoking just to smoke at some point.

Relights are ok but never as good as a fresh bowl.

Ive wondered if stacking (Parfait style) with a different but related blend on the bottom of the bowl would result in better relights a couple of hours later.

Are there some tobacco types that dont get more bitter on relight.

In France good tobacco is a bit more of a challenge to get so waste is not prefered.

Im not looking so much for specific brand/blends but rather, tobacco types, since I cant get everything US pipers can get.

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I think that Virginias and some burleys are the best, for me. I don't mind finding a pipe packed with an English also. But, I enjoy finding pipes that I've set aside midsmoke, and trying to guess what blend it was that I was smoking when interrupted.

Anything with a strong casing loses much of its flavor, and topped blends can sour. But, it is usually not so bad that it makes me regret tasting it.

This is all when I find a half smoked pipe. But, all day long I am setting down a pipe to go into a store, to hold a conversation, or just do something I can smoke a pipe during... which isn't much. But, I don't even consider this a DGT thing.


Oct 16, 2020
Fill the bowl 1/2 or 2/3 or .86 and don't sweat it. I'd rather enjoy a blend I like (and I don't see a crime in starting out with a full bowl and having to dump it out for some unexpected reason, just a little bit of tobacco) than tailor my choices to a nebulous relight metric.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Ok gents....I find I really prefer a fresh bowl of tobacco but I dont always feel like smoking the whole bowl in one sitting. I find myself smoking just to smoke at some point.

Relights are ok but never as good as a fresh bowl.

Ive wondered if stacking (Parfait style) with a different but related blend on the bottom of the bowl would result in better relights a couple of hours later.

Are there some tobacco types that dont get more bitter on relight.

In France good tobacco is a bit more of a challenge to get so waste is not prefered.

Im not looking so much for specific brand/blends but rather, tobacco types, since I cant get everything US pipers can get.


The straight Virginias and Virginia Perique blends seem to keep well in the bowl of a pipe, if set aside to smoke later, for me.
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Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
Virginia/VaPer blends for sure, cigar blends are probably out, although I haven’t tried many.

English blends tend to resume pretty well if I have to put down the pipe and do something else for a while. I think the key is to make sure it’s dry so swab out the stem thoroughly with pipe cleaners.

Occasionally, a blend will taste “off” to begin with after relighting, but if you can persist for a few puffs, it may get back to tasting normal.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 14, 2023
United States
I only do relighting later with War Horse and that's for no other reason than for how stout it is. It tastes fine. As noted, after the first few puffs any off flavor will disappear. I'm talking only a few hours later. I'd never leave a bowl out for 12 plus hours-it'd get too dry. Just get a small bowled pipe for when you want a short smoke in my opinion.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 17, 2021
Central Florida
I often set aside the pipe I am smoking and finish the bowl later.

I find WHEN I set the pipe aside during the smoke makes a big difference. During the first quarter of the smoke, it’s fine. After the halfway point: not so good. This is true for me with any blend.

For me, parfait/layering does not solve the problem and actually creates other problems with flavor.

What does solve the problem for me lately is a pipe with a very small bowl— smaller than is offered in most factory briar lines nowadays .

The smaller mm cobs and clay pipes are a pretty good solution. If I lived somewhere where tobacco is expensive I would use these even more than I do now.
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Sep 17, 2023
I will try some of those tips. It is not like it tastes terrible. It just isnt the same as smoking the bowl straight through. Generally I do that but I wondered about different possiblities.

I dont smoke many aros but I do know that that stuff is just nasty leftover.
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Skippy Piper

Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2023
St. Paul, MN
For me most of the blends I smoke seem to taste just as good if I smoke half the bowl now and half later, which is nice since that's the way I end up smoking my pipes most of the time. Drier aromatics, Lakelands, and Virginia blends all seem to taste just as good relit hours later (or even the next day), though English blends can go either way. Wet aromatics and Burley blends are the only ones that tend to always taste awful to me when relit and smoked later.
Jul 28, 2016
Yes ,I smoke quite a lot of blends where Burely leaf predominates, and I have to admit when relighting these types of tobaccos taste will be stronger and even sour and harsh, so in this regard Virginia forward blends are a better choice
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Feb 16, 2020
Cascadia, U.S.
I don't notice much of a change of flavor when relighting a pipe compared to the dramatic change that occurs when relighting a cigar. Cigars can get bitter, sour, and nasty after going out, but I frequently let my pipes go out and come back to them later that day (or sometimes even the next day) with little change in taste.