Those guys/girls are the best for "trolling". Me and my cronies gang up on social media/forums on these types, we'll utilize the jab approach, you just keep throwing those little jabs, then they explode in anger and lose all rational thought and look like fools. I hate the term troll though, it's one of the SJW's main things to discount a posters argument, just call them a troll. I actually behave on this forum but man the internet is too much fun when it comes to stupid debates. I'll debate against someone even if I agree with them, it's just getting that complete loss of rational thought that results in a explosion of anger. Things like feminists though are too fun to get a rise out of. Personally though if you're trolling a pipe forum, you aren't doing it right. Honestly I'm a total mix of a bunch of those things, the archivist is great for throwing out old statements that a person has made, screenshots are essential in this stuff. To really be on point you have to combine like 10 of those persona's, and have multiple sock puppets. A few of my social media projects have made it to news publications. That's the greatest feeling, seeing something you've done in a news story.. However, one popped out at me as being the ones I hate to talk with, the Godfather. The guy who has posted the most on a forum or is known for this or that. If they come down from their silver lined clouds and smack you, you are not allowed to say anything in retaliation, or a thousand other people will jump you.