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Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
. However, one popped out at me as being the ones I hate to talk with, the Godfather. The guy who has posted the most on a forum or is known for this or that. If they come down from their silver lined clouds and smack you, you are not allowed to say anything in retaliation, or a thousand other people will jump you.
Those guys/girls are the best for "trolling". Me and my cronies gang up on social media/forums on these types, we'll utilize the jab approach, you just keep throwing those little jabs, then they explode in anger and lose all rational thought and look like fools. I hate the term troll though, it's one of the SJW's main things to discount a posters argument, just call them a troll. I actually behave on this forum but man the internet is too much fun when it comes to stupid debates. I'll debate against someone even if I agree with them, it's just getting that complete loss of rational thought that results in a explosion of anger. Things like feminists though are too fun to get a rise out of. Personally though if you're trolling a pipe forum, you aren't doing it right. Honestly I'm a total mix of a bunch of those things, the archivist is great for throwing out old statements that a person has made, screenshots are essential in this stuff. To really be on point you have to combine like 10 of those persona's, and have multiple sock puppets. A few of my social media projects have made it to news publications. That's the greatest feeling, seeing something you've done in a news story.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Oh, wow, just wow. I really dislike shit like that. But thanks for being honest.
There are very few clever trolls anymore. Kinda died down as usenet shriveled. To me, those into spamming a group are not trolls, they're just pests. Those who throw out ad hominems aren't trolls by that alone; they just a**holes. Getting another to flip or spew, that's just annoying, and wastes others' time.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Internet debates don't seem productive to me, so I tend to not engage directly, but try to point out general principles of reasonable dialogue that seem to need mentioning.



Jul 21, 2015
I hate the term troll though, it's one of the SJW's main things to discount a posters argument, just call them a troll.
I agree. (SJWs are blight. They're like Stormfront users from the other side, but more fanatical and equally offensive.)
Trolling original meant this: dangle ludicrous bait designed to play into the absurd extremes of a common and annoying viewpoint, wait for an extremist of the herd to take the bait, then play along with them in order to reveal them for a fool.
Anything less than that is just vandalism. (Yes, posting wholly irrelevant information is vandalism. Spam is vandalism, and pointless aggression is vandalism. Some vandalism from otherwise contributing users should be tolerated and when excessive, rebuked. If it continues to a pathological level, the user must have a time-out or move on.)



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I don't ever take internet debates seriously. I will engage if it is entertaining or stimulating, but for some it is an engagement for the ego. But, you cannot seriously change someone's mind on here, or anywhere.

And, I love it when they want to tell you that you are upset or mad. It's a control thing for them. So what.
But, 95% of the time, I will just post my opinion, and walk away, unless it is otherwise entertaining or stimulating.

Mar 1, 2014

I'll debate against someone even if I agree with them
I've done that on rare occasions, it can be kind of fun.
I'm gland I'm not the only one who has come to realize that there is no point in debating personal subjects on the Internet. To have an impact on someone the person you're talking to has to personally care about you, which pretty much never happens on the Internet.

Discussion is either going to be like minded people patting each other on the back, or people trying their best to ignore each other.

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I hate the term troll though, it's one of the SJW's main things to discount a posters argument, just call them a troll.
What is an SJW?
My biggest pet peeves are people who don't realize there's an auto-correct for spelling and all these damn acronyms people keep making up.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Debating for the sheer joy of debate is mentally stimulating and fun. Those by themselves are valid, though selfish, reasons to debate. My opinion on a subject will not be changed though, unless I have respect for the person I am debating. I have to admire my opponent's intelligence, attention to detail and their knowledge of the subject being debated.
I love taking a position in a debate which I personally do not support. It challenges one's beliefs (I love having my opinions, beliefs and thoughts challenged.) and forces one to research the topic. A dinner party is only enjoyable with stimulating conversation and/or debate. Without one or the other, it's just a meal. Unless of course the dinner is part of a plan of seduction. But, that's an entirely different animal even though it may involve assaying to change someone's opinion.

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