Welcome to pipe smoking.
I'd agree with the sample packs - if you have no clue, it's best to try a bunch. You'll also still be developing your smoking ability too, smoking a pipe is a strange art that requires practice.
I can only recommend things that I've smoked and enjoyed (which is almost zero aromatics). So bear in mind these suggestions are all 'natural' tobaccos with only minor toppings or casings.
Forgive the huge list, but I think it gives an idea of where I've drifted.
I've put some really strong stuff in here - which might make you turn a bit green, so I'll indicate the strong ones:
- English Oriental:
- Peterson Nightcap (strong)
- Plum Pudding (Special Reserve)
- Balkan:
- Cornel & Diehl's Vieux Carré
- Rattray's Red Rapparee
- Robert McConnel's Oriental
- English/Irish Plugs / ropes:
- Gawith & Hoggarth's Dark Plug or Bosun Plug (strong)
- War Horse Bar (strong - also not really a plug)
- War Horse Green (very strong - Lakeland)
- G&H Brown Bogie (rope, v.strong)
- VA/Per (Virginia / Perique) or Va/Bur (Virginia / Burley blends
- Solani 633: Virginia Flake
- Escudo / De Luxe Navy Rolls (very similar)
- Solani 660: Silver Flake
- Robert McConnell's Scottish Flake
- Pure Virginia:
- SG Full Virginia Flake
- HH Pure Virginia
- Orlik's Golden Sliced
- Germain's Best Brown
- Peter Stokkebye's Luxury Twist Flake
- Capstan Blue (or gold, which is milder)
- Burley / Dark Fired Kentucky:
- Solani Aged Burley Flake
- Mac Baren HH Old Dark Fired
- Mac Baren HH Bold Kentucky (strong)
- Peter Heinrich's Dark Strong Flake (really lovely blend).
- Lakelands:
- Erinmore Flake
- St.Bruno (ready rubbed is cheaper/more available than flake)
- G&H Bob's Chocolate Flake (stunning tobacco, closest to an aromatic that I smoke).
I really can't recommend any aromatics as I avoid them, but I've enjoyed Eilleen's dream and Cult's Blood Red Moon is very popular. I do love Bob's chocolate Flake from G&H.
Taste and experiment and go with what you enjoy.