Home Depot??? Nah.....you should be figuring out where the closest hardware store is to your favorite liquor store.
Check beer stock and get back to us
Why is MY starship red??
Did you try adjusting the length on the chain? Try making it a bit longer, that usually works for me. Before buying new I’d try that. Just might work.I just realized I have never posted a poll, so here we go.
The toilet is taking too long to refill and sometimes the flapper fails to seal, causing a slow but constant running water situation.
I need to trek over to the Home Depot, get one of those $20 kits, have Mrs. jaytex remove her vast shelf full of stuff obstructing the work area and make sure there is enough beer for the operation.
What is the proper course of action?
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Make sure to drink three beers before you start. This will help take the edge off when you leave some sacrficial knuckle skin on the project. Wil also help loosen the tongue so you can curse like a sailor when crap doesn't work out. Good to keep an open beer handy to pour on wounds.Check! Got the goods, including treating myself to a new set of channel locks, made in 'Murica from 'Murican steel!
View attachment 48300
@3rdguy Why is MY starship red??
View attachment 48299
Hmm... in my manner of thinking.... some beer should ALWAYS be cold and ready for a needed time like this. And, by “some” I would suggest I mean using all the available space not taken by other essentials. But, your bigger point is well taken too.... you should have extra beer ready to add to the refrigerator as the cold beer is consumed. That is the only safe way to be sure you are prepared.What? No "Have a pipe while deciding what pipe to have while letting a beer get cold before replacing the flapper" option?
@condorlover1 I'm not THAT medieval!Smoke your pipe, buy a bunch of rushes and take up sh*tting on the floor and tell everyone who asks you are part of the Green New Deal!![]()
I would never change this flapper