I have way too many tins/jars open but I keep ordering more, especially since my new found love for Lakelands and my search for some truly unique tobaccos. This morning I treid C&D's Crooner for the first time but I'm having some problems with allergies so I could hardly taste it, just kind of harsh when retrohaling. I also tried (for the first time) some GH&CO's Louisiana Perique and Bob's Square Cut (unscented), both tasting pretty damn good as I expect considering the source but again, I'm having trouble tasting much of anything right now.
p.s. Anyone know if I am able to edit the title of this thread? I put a "?" where I should have put a "/". I'm sure everyone understands, it's just bothersome to me.
p.s. Anyone know if I am able to edit the title of this thread? I put a "?" where I should have put a "/". I'm sure everyone understands, it's just bothersome to me.