Okay, I'm a gent of a certain age who didn't grow up with computers or other more recent technology, so is among those who isn't up on the culture of devices. So I had to study up a little to identify what a meme is. A recent set-back was a radio interview with a big time reporter sounding extremely snotty and know-it-all on the subject, as if anyone who wasn't really "into" memes was clearly an early form of humanoid verging on extinction. However, the gist seems to be that any images, audio, and/or video that gets re-used and digested into the the vast vocabulary of online material is or becomes a meme. The with-it kids all know what these are when they see them and use them, in denotation, ironically, or otherwise, as part of their cultural language. And if that sounds pedantic, so did the reporter expert on the subject. Okay, so meme away, as you will. Bookish old geezers are ... amused.