Thank you for the gentlemanly request, Kevin--I know of no other forum that would even ask, let alone politely, and that only affirms my commitment to this one. Noted and accepted graciously, sir.
And jimbo, you make a very good point re:
I have noticed most of the profanity is posted at the threads that report the latest anti-smoking outrage. This should be expected. What else can we do until we find some way to take back the rights we have lost?
I cannot recall whom to attribute it to, but this instance always brings to mind a quote from a person much more eloquent than myself:
When you take away a man's language, his strong language, what is left for him to express his anger than his closed fists?
The continual erosion of our ability to smoke (and other liberties) certainly does strike a chord, a very deep one, and not just with smokers. A friend who is constantly exhorting me to stop is as up-in-arms as I am about the NYC ban. And those who write law and policy should take heed, because as we've seen most recently in Greece, Iran, Egypt and other places with even less promise of freedom, the people, once pushed past the point of being able to voice their displeasure, will close their fists and raise them.