Before a few months ago, I would have said College Football/Basketball/Baseball (Texas A&M), and NFL (Broncos), MLB (Rockies), and rodeo.
Everybody but rodeo is making it pretty darn hard to root for anybody. Too busy supporting the whitewashing of history on our fast track to fascism.
There aren't many rodeos this year. We produce our local rodeo series (junior and open), and we have had people coming from all over to compete. Nobody is practiced up, so they are throwing their rope in the dirt just like we mountain folk usually do (we don't get to start till May from snow cover). From now on, I think I am just going to play and compete and forget about watching the pros for a while.
Everybody but rodeo is making it pretty darn hard to root for anybody. Too busy supporting the whitewashing of history on our fast track to fascism.
There aren't many rodeos this year. We produce our local rodeo series (junior and open), and we have had people coming from all over to compete. Nobody is practiced up, so they are throwing their rope in the dirt just like we mountain folk usually do (we don't get to start till May from snow cover). From now on, I think I am just going to play and compete and forget about watching the pros for a while.