That may or may not be true. I have no data to prove such a statement either correct or incorrect. I haven't found one on that site though.My larger concern is that visiting those types of websites often attach viruses.
Yes, and you gave it. As I gave mine.I have my opinion, if you don't like it, it's your problem.
What sort of disclaimer were you hoping for? One that says this website has not been screened for viruses or this website may contain an opinion contrary to your own?The OP should have had the common sense and courtesy before posting such a link. He could have forewarned people of what it was. To not do so was rather stupid and thoughtless.
But you asked him why he was visiting such a site and then implied he was stupid. It not only sounded like you did care but it read like you were making judgements. And, are you really conflating pornographic imagery with the link he posted? Because that's ridiculous.I could care less what web sites people visit our their beliefs. I'll bet if I posted a link to a porn site here, I'd be in hot water.
No, I'm not clueless. And because I am aware of the dangers, and because it's the internet and I'm a modern man, I always wear a condom when clicking on links. I do appreciate your concern though. Also, I wouldn't really say I'm terribly open-minded. It's actually something I have to work harder on the older I get if I'm to be honest with myself.If you are clueless about how viruses and web browsing taking can adversely affect someone, you should get a clue. Good to know you're open minded though.
To a degree, I agree. The first part anyway. It's not the way I would have shared this pic. I would have just copied the image location and posted it as a pic here. Then no one of a nervous disposition need ever know that it came from a Satanist website. However, not everyone knows how to do it. Not everyone would think to do it and he didn't share a link to a porn site, did he? It was a link to a silly website with some silly people with some silly views. Views that are just different from yours and mine. Maybe, I don't know. Anyway, it's not the same thing. I don't think he tried to "trick" anyone into visiting a satanist website specifically. I think he just wanted an answer to his question and came to the place he thought he would get one. Do you really feel violated or something because you spent a few seconds on that website? Because if you do I think you should get a grip. And, I mean that in the best possible way.The destination to where that link was going to take us was hidden behind the word "Here". What if I posted a link that tricked our fellow forum members into going to a porn site? That could have caused problems for them at work, with their marriage, or worse.
He has written nothing of his religious beliefs in this thread. We know nothing of his religious beliefs. He has not discussed religion. His or anyone else's.And, if he is some sort of devilworshipper, he should have left his religious beliefs at the doorstep, like the rest of us respectfully do.
He isn't likely to want to stick around either is he?And, since posting, the guy has only had 5 interactions with us, so we can assume that he doesn't see us as friends, much less showing us some respect.
I don't know what his beliefs are. I don't care. The only thing I know for certain is he came here with a question and he posted a link which actually did no harm at all and consequently he's been judged, called stupid and been told that it was a dickhead move. And I'm not comfortable with that because it makes us look like a load of old tossers, gentleman and that's the truth of it.
Anyway, I feel it's a shame but that's just my opinion and it's all I have to say on the matter. To each his own, I suppose.