What Pipe Have You Discovered This Year?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
This happened a little longer than a year ago but I bought out a guys Willmer AAA Straight Grain collection of around 18 pipes( I am too lazy to get off my ass and count them). All of these pipes are group 5-ODA size and fairly heavy. They don't fit in my normal pipe criteria but since I began smoking a few aromatics that are not flakes, I decided to go for it. These pipes smoke awesome. I have been on record for a long time about the quality of wood that Willmer uses. I had bought 2 Willmer AAA's years ago and was amazed at how they smoked. I don't care how hard you push them, they don't smoke hot.
One of the other reasons I bought these were they all had vulcanite stems that were pretty comfortable and they were not made with the old high sulfur vulcanite stems like on many of the older British pipes( most notably Upshalls).
Another line of pipes I discovered in this same time period were the Pre Transition Barlings that Jesse aka saddlebrush has been bragging about since he got here. I finally went after one to see if jesse had his head up his ass, but low and behold, he was spot on. The Barling smoked fantastic so I ended up getting another 4. Every Barling I bought smokes like a champ and I am probably going to buy more. Their stems are really comfortable, nice and flat and also has a good button.
Also in this time period I bought my second pipe from our own Zack and it is a great pipe. His stem work has really gotten good and the nice sized shank dimension ( around 4.3mm) makes the pipe smoke dry as a bone. His sandblasting is always great and this last pipe I got was really well done. I will post a pic but don't know how long it will last cause of photopuke.




Aug 11, 2017
I recently got a Brigham single dot, voyager series, shape 103. It smokes great with or without the rock maple filter but it is a little dryer with it. Based on my research it’s post patent era, circa late 50’s early 60’s. My first canadian made pipe.. i think.. I’m not sure where my great grandfathers “old owl” was made.



Feb 21, 2013
For a birthday gift, my wife gave me a Nording zebra hunting pipe, which is almost short churchwarden length and slightly bent. I hope she bought it on sale, 'believe she said she did, and so I hope because it is higher end. But a fine pipe with carved zebra stripes on a good big Dublin bowl with a slender stem. Nice. I had a Nording or two, but hadn't studied the hunting pipes at those prices.



Can't Leave
Aug 29, 2016
I don’t have any pics of the pipe but a good friend of mine actually let me try a Tom Eltang Poker he had inherited earlier this year. Beforehand, I had never paid attention to Toms pipes and didn’t really know anything about them. You could tell the pipe hadn’t been used that much and was in great shape. You couldn’t really tell why had been smoked in it either as there was no ghosting that I could tell of.
The thing was so light it was a clenchers dream.
I was worried that the thin walls would get too hot with the cadence at which a tend to puff but it was fine. The rustication on it was unique as well.
So of course I went online to check them out and my heart sank once I saw the price. Needless to say that the only Eltang I will own will be a gift or a miracle. But I can say I had the opportunity to smoke and enjoy one.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2017
HS Studio. Regardless of who makes them, knock-off or not, they are great looking pipes that smoke well for a decent price.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 14, 2017
This year I can't say of a certain shape, but Country of origin for sure. Starting out mostly buying and finding British estates, but in the last 6 months my focus and intrigue for Danish pipes has grown immensely.

Jan 8, 2013
Enjoy that Nording, MSO.

At least you got to smoke one once, Grim.

The Danes make some beautiful pipes, Pope.

Duane, I'm betting that's a Preben Holm. Lovely pipe.



Nov 13, 2012
Harris I've got one Alden so far and I can't wait to have another. I also would love to get another pipe from Zach.
I should also mention Adam aka Clickklick.
Also I've found that I love straight billiard, canadian, liverpool and lovat's!



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2015
Springfield, Mo
The year was kind (as was the wife), and I discovered that Dunhills aren't spun from angel hair, nor woven from Satan's whiskers; they're, in fact, just pipes. Huh, who knew?!
One was great; one was was good; and one was tiny.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Duane, I'm betting that's a Preben Holm.
You got it.
I discovered that Dunhills aren't spun from angel hair, nor woven from Satan's whiskers; they're, in fact, just pipes. Huh, who knew?!
They make great back scratchers and nice flower pots too.



Apr 24, 2015
The last few months I've given away more then I've bought. Making progress on down sizing. LOL!



Apr 26, 2013
Not discovered, so much, but finally scored.
I finally got a couple of Steve Weiner pipes. They are awesome.
Finally got myself a Bruce Weaver pipe. Tremendous as well.
I did discover Luciano pipes. I got one from Steve (Pipestud), and that thing is really awesome.
P.S. You all need to stop with the photobucket. I can't see any of you pictures unless you are paying the subscription or whatever...

Mar 29, 2016
Two Ropp pipes, one from the sixties, a billiard and another one from the thirties, a dublin. Both unsmoked but not anymore.
Two estate GBD Prehistoric tapered billiards, two is better than one!



Dec 18, 2015
Cobleskill, NY
Kaywoodie HandMade. I started my pipe journey with a love for early Kaywoodie Pipes up until about the 60's. I had one newer one that was a good smoker, but not much in the grain department. And of course my now three competition pipes which are really nice. But I never thought too much about the other new ones. I then got hooked on artisan pipes and forgot some of my Kaywoodie pipes. On my third year in a row going to the Kaywoodie Holiday Party and Northeast Smoking Competition, I bought one of the handmade line upon discovering that Bill Feuerbach personally makes every single one of them and limits them to less than 100 a year. One spoke to me, despite being not my typical style. More of a freehand shape and heavily bent. I was worried that it would just sit on a shelf, and I don't like buying pipes that sit on a shelf, but it spoke to me. Despite the fact that it really nestles into my beard, it is comfortable and does not gurgle like most bent pipes that I have smoked. I've been smoking this pipe every day for over a week, and I am seriously impressed with it. It made me break out a couple of the old Kaywoodie pipes that started to gather dust and totally rekindled my love for Kaywoodie. I think I'll be buying a handmade line every year.

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