This one mainly but also PSF and BoB mostly to keep in touch with my good friend who's no longer here :crying: I also do a lot of reading on the pipe makers forum.
I am registered on a few others but, except in rare circumstances, this is the only one I participate in actively. One aspect I do like on smokersforum is the specialized subgroups - the Italian subgroup and the Castello subgroup in particular.
One or two cheap, filthy mistresses aren't always I'm on the SF and Bob as well. I do enjoy the "Streets of London" sub-group on the SF, but that site is still rebuilding and lost a lot of valuable and knowledgeable members.
I used to be on BOB quite a bit, but this week had a post edited by a moderator for saying that Penzance gave me an erection. For some strange reason, erection, even though it is used in all medical publications, and schools that teach sex education, is offensive over there. So I won't be participating anymore on BOB, bunch of proper pricks. :crazy: That's one less forum I have to waste my valuable remaining minutes of my life on. :mrgreen:
Mainly this one and the pipe tobacco sub of reddit ( I'll occasionally cruise through the pipe side of, but I'm more active here and on r/pipetobacco.
I scan a few others just to make sure I'm not missing anything, but this one is my home. Why? The answer is obvious--content. This is where the action is. Though I must admit that the interface is in serious need of an upgrade.
This one's pretty much it - I signed onto another forum at the urging of a friend of mine, but it's more cigar-centered with a subforum for pipes, and not nearly the activity of this one.