Peterson pipes are very popular. Some terrific shapes for sure. I currently have a p-lip Peterson Baker Street bulldog. It's just ok as have been other Petersons I've owned. The airflow on p-lips, in my experience, tend to be restricted. This can, again in my opinion, make break-in daunting and the pipe may never smoke as well as one which is more open. The p-lip makes correcting a tight draw more challenging. If you have a fish tail stem, opening the pipe, if necessary to improve air flow, is easier to do. I would also suggest that if you acquire a Pete get one in where the draft hole is drilled on-center and flush with the bottom of the bowl. Although the quality control at Peterson these days is allegedly better than in the past, one still has to be vigilant. I know that draft hole "placement" is not terribly important to many smokers, but I happen to think it is.