What Kind of Looks/Reactions do You Get While Smoking in Public? Good or Bad!

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 19, 2012
Hey all, just thought I'd post an interesting question, one that might have been posted before but what the hell, after an experience I had while smoking in my car while driving today, I think it's worth it just for the story.
So I'm driving in town today with my Savinelli Morino bent hanging out of my mouth, smoking some 1Q, listening to one of my favourite bands Old Crow Medicine Show. I was relatively relaxed, until I pulled up beside a car full of teenagers at a stop light. I didn't notice anything at first, then out of my peripheral I noticed a flurry of movement, looked over, and saw the driver laughing his ass off with his friends, while pointing at me. Thought ok, whatever, I'll just continue driving, ignore them. Continued driving, till I pulled up to the next stoplight, and again the car full of teenagers stopped next to me. Again, the flurry of movement, so I look over, and see the teenagers continue laughing their heads off. Light turns green, driver gives me the finger, mouths some obscenity, and peels out, almost smashing into a car coming out of a yield. Boneheads.
The majority of looks and comments I've gotten have been positive. Some thumbs up, some waves, smiles. It's just the very rare idiots that spoil the good ones.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 26, 2012
I'm 32 clean cut and drive either a Chrysler 300 or a big chevy 1500 truck. This one day after a trip to my local pipe store I have just packed a bowl and was driving down the road puffing a way when a moving truck passed me on the passenger side. I see the guy look as he passed me then slow down.. Out of the corner of my eye I see him waving at me I look over and get a huge grin and a big thumbs up from him..Seems he liked the full-bend Churchwarden I had hanging out the side of my mouth.. Other than that nothing really. My towns full for 20 something hipsters so they all find it "Cool".



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 19, 2012
I'm young myself, but these guys looked really young, like "just-got-my-license" young. I don't pretend to be wiser than my age, but I like to think I've mellowed out a bit since I started pipe smoking.
The most positive response I've gotten was at a classic car show and shine, smoking my pipe. An older lady came up to me and told me the smell and look reminded her of her great-grandfather, seemed to almost make her tear up a bit. I couldn't help but smile, told her I'm just glad I could help bring back some memories.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 10, 2012
Huntington wv
Ive had a couple people make some rude remarks while smoking on my lunch break. It normally wouldn't bother me except I smoke my pipe where we are supposed to smoke our cigs.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2012
Old Crow Medicine Show is a great band. I like "Down Home Girl" and "My Good Gal."
I was in front of a cafe one day smoking an English blend, and two ladies walk outside and one said "Wow, I can smell the fire from here." Well, there was a fire, but it was at least twenty miles away.



Nov 30, 2012
I get all sorts, smoking in beer gardens can get annoying though, plenty of drunks asking to try it (dont mind lending pipes to friends to smoke, but stangers...maybe thats just me).
best reaction i got was outside york train station, a really old women came up to me (she must of been atleast 402) and said the smell reminded her of her late husband (died in WW2) and thanked me. Made my day,



May 11, 2012
until I pulled up beside a car full of teenagers at a stop light
you expect normal behavior from a car full of teenagers?
I don't get much reaction one way or the other.. I'll occasionally get a thumbs up in traffic and at a light I'll get a frown but not sure if the young lady is frowning at me for smoking or disgusted that some old fat guy is staring at her.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 19, 2012
cajun, 1Q does seem to be the most universally appreciated in terms of it's smell. I've gotten the most positive comments when I smoke it around others.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I generally get positive responses, especially from the younger crowd. A girl at Starbucks told me she had never seen anyone actually smoking a pipe and thought it was cool. I smoke it at work and will often times walk in with a pipe hanging from as my hands are usually full. Occasionally get a thumbs up from the sales crowd I walk by.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 9, 2012
The town I live in is a rural micropolitan with a liberal arts college as its main employer. So when smoking in public I run into alot of hipster kids and amish. Hipster kids think pipe smoking is cool and pipe smoking is very common in the amish community so I have never really experienced any negative reactions.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 7, 2011
Usually some youngster chatting me up because they like the smell. Once I had an old nag give me a dirty look, but to be fair it could have just been her natural look.

Not many folks will point and laugh at me as I am a big rough looking fellow that has been known to twist a person off for such things.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 6, 2012
Although I was not there...
My wife mentioned to a cashier at a dept. store that she bought me a pipe. The lady looked at her and said "But you're so young! (she's 21) how old is He?!" I am 22, but I guess the cashier imagined that all pipe smokers are 50 plus. LOL!
I have not really ventured out in public with a pipe too much. I will have to start.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 29, 2011
I don't usually draw much attention to myself but the other day I walked past the IYS building and a group of 4 to 5 kids just stared at me like they had never seen a pipe before. It was actually kind of funny.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 17, 2012
Broomfield, Colorado
There are youngsters out there that don't even know where meat comes from. The only gun they have ever seen Bruce Willis was using in a movie. Pipe? what is a pipe? I think you smoke dope in that don't you? Pitty the poor protected children of these days. I passed a "smoke shop" the other day, so i slowed down and read the signs. Lots of hand-blown glass pipes and other paraphenalia of that sort. Not a grain of tobacco on the premisis. Signs on the outside said "No Guns Permited on the Premisis". Another said "Being a Vegan Makes a Happier World", and another, the old worn out cliche "Make Love, Not War. I just about puicked!
Remember, these same pampered youngsters will eventually be called upon to protect your liberties. Ponder on that my friends, and if you shudder, it may not be only because you are cold.

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