What Kind Of Crazy Things Did You Do As Kids

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Dec 14, 2013
Then we would play “brickem”. We’d have our friends drop bricks on our heads from a garage roof. Each of us would take turns dropping the bricks on each others heads.
I did some pretty insane and idiotic things as a kid back in the 50's, but that's gotta top them all.



Feb 21, 2013
Saw the acrobats on TV doing the springboard trick. So we put a thick plank over a rock, chose my buddy Mike as the propellent heavyweight and skinny me as the projectile. Everything went great, except I did't have a plan after I went four feet in the air and came down on my wrist. I hobbled around with it in a bandana sling for several days when either my parents or the school decided that was enough, whereupon I went off with my mother to Dr. Wosniak, an orthopedist with his shoes covered with plaster from doing casts. He took my wrist between his thumb and fingers and popped it into place, a second or two of serious pain, then wrapped it in nice warm plaster for some weeks. That was the end of my career as an acrobat, and also the end of my violin lessons and student orchestra career, which was the up-side so far as I was concerned. I did many crazy things as a young person, but that is the most coherent and understandable to re-tell. The scariest part was having the cast sawed off, although the scary saw was really not an injury threat, it looked pretty dangerous.



Aug 3, 2010
My father got me a job one summer loading Canadian army transport planes heading to the arctic
Canada has an Army??? :nana:
We used to do many of the same things, a child in the late 70's and 80's was great. BB gun/bottle rocket wars, toad hunting,baseball,making tree fort, summer camp outs, looking at PLAYBOY in the woods, Star Wars/GI JOE...God I miss those days.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 15, 2014
I did some pretty insane and idiotic things as a kid back in the 50's, but that's gotta top them all.
It wasn't really that bad unless the bricks came down end first. Those landings would leave nasty cuts and a bad headache for a few days.



Jun 30, 2015
High school had a paper drive and had the school open for us to drop it off. Spanish teacher left her room unlocked so several of us dropped off our newspapers there.....several tons worth. She came in Monday and opened her door and then started looking for someone to kill. Got to love the times before video security cameras. We also picked up the superintendent's BMW, walked it through the auditorium's stage door and "parked" it in the school courtyard.



Feb 13, 2013
Winnipeg, Canada
I remember me and my friend going to the corner store and my friend getting 2 packs of cigarettes "for his mom", back then that was all that was required, we were about 6 years old. We then went and smoked a cigarette, we were blowing the air out instead of puffing it in, I then tried puffing it in and inhaling. I was like you're not supposed to inhale these, as I coughed and felt sick. Too many stupid things in all though.



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 10, 2015
Fell out of a tree and snapped both bones in my wrist in middle school. It's a miracle I got to keep the hand! Most of my grand adventures happened at the grandparents farm--either on my dad's side or, more usually, my moms. Climbing into those square grain trailers, exploring the lofts in dilapidated barns, etc. The tree I fell out of was on the farm my Dad grew up on. My cousin's toddler is the fourth generation to live there now. Four generations of crazy memories!

Jun 4, 2014
When I was in high school the school was under renovation. The principals VW Rabbit sat in the student lot right next to a skid of cinder blocks. A bunch of us jacked up his car and set it on four cinder blocks. It was perfect the tires where just off the pavement. We were told he had to call a tow truck to lift it off. I'm gald there were no camera phones, You Tube or Facebook back then because we probably would have gotten caught.



Might Stick Around
Nov 14, 2014
I once made up a large coffee can full of gunpowder. Since nobody was at home at the time I figured that I would make a fuse and light this massive pile of gunpowder, expecting nothing but a loud bang. Well, I ended up burning up a trellis, and nobody for a 3 square block area could see anything except for white smoke for several minutes. Now, I lived just 2 blocks behind the State Police barracks and they were in the neighborhood within seconds, but they never did find out who created the smoke. My dad was pretty cool with the idea. His main concern was that I had set it all off so close to the house and he had me repair the burned trellis. He figured that if I was bright enough to make that much gunpowder then I may just be a step away from doing something really dangerous if he punished me too hard.

Aug 14, 2012
Got really drunk at age 5. Started smoking cigarillos at age 12, pipes at age 14. Learned to drive at 12. Raced bicycles. Otherwise not much that I can remember, but it was a very long time ago.



Apr 5, 2014
I was allowed to use my parents new '70 Lemans to take 4 other high school friends to see a state baseball championship game. It was about 230 miles each way. On the way there, on a Saturday morning, I had the speedometer sitting on 130mph for most of an hour. The speedo was the same as the GTO and went to 140mph. All I can say is I was 17 and bullet proof and stupid. 8O



Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Got really drunk at age 5. Started smoking cigarillos at age 12, pipes at age 14. Learned to drive at 12. Raced bicycles. Otherwise not much that I can remember, but it was a very long time ago.
You have to be kidding.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 6, 2012
Jeeze, I rode my bike everywhere and without a helmet!!! Summers were spent with not a care in the world from sun up to sun down. Played all the sports in vacant fields and frozen ponds. Rode motorcycles liked raped apes. Hunted and fished our guts out. Created lots of mischief like most kids then. When I was going through my pyro phase I took a little plastic container with gas in it(I know what you're thinking)and went several rows into a corn field with my buddy and lit the damn thing on fire. While admiring the flames someone was riding by on a motorcycle and I got scared we were going to get busted and I stomped on it to put it out. It was like a napalm strike with this gas spewing everywhere and my foot on fire burning my new pair of red converse!!! My buddy was swatting at the cornstalks, that were on fire, trying to put them out. It was by God's grace we didn't go up with the corn. Hell, I was more scared of having to explain to my mom why my new hi-tops weren't new looking anymore. Of course all of the fireworks we set off too made for a lot of fun and good memories.



Jan 27, 2013
I think I may still have statute of limitation concerns as it has only been 40 years ago that the alleged acts occurred.
I fell the same way, Jackswilling.
My dad tanned a great deal of the exuberance out of me after the events, but they was sure fun at the time.

On the tame side the world was full of bikes, fishing, hunting, and checking out someones melon patch.

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