The room odour of "unwashed socks"? "lingering farts"? "stale and clammy"?
Just what exactly, may I ask, are you guys smoking?
The only times I can smell anything is first thing in the morning or upon my return home.
When I smoked ciggies my home smelt like a public bar where some idiot thought that carpet would be a beaut idea.
Since I switched to a pipe, now I rarely smell much of anything.
When I do detect an odour from my tobacco [I smoke most genres through the day, a few small pipes of nice bud . . err my green medicine and a bowl of whatever blend before bed] it is not an unpleasant smell.
Maybe some guys hang around trendy boutiques and those new-age shops with the purty smelling soaps and incense too often and have become sensitive to manly scents like leather, wood and yes, good ol' unadulterated baccy?
I dunno but for fear of offending anyone, if ya home stinks "stale and clammy" or like "lingering farts" and "unwashed socks", may I suggest that the problem is not the tobacco?
A few tips that might help;
Change socks more regularly [Daily would be good]
Bathe more often than once a week. [don't be shy with the soap]
And for goodness sake, stop eating Mexican food from street carts and Taco Bell.
Hope this helps.