In my office I smoke 4 Meer's the most. I don't have to rest them like I do my Briar pipes.
dtallan Lurker Jan 10, 2011 11 0 Feb 4, 2011 #21 In my office I smoke 4 Meer's the most. I don't have to rest them like I do my Briar pipes.
whitebriar Starting to Get Obsessed Jul 14, 2010 253 9 Feb 14, 2011 #22 >>rhfdpipe wrote>""rusticated grabow fullbent"">> ditto for me--i don't smoke inside, but usually have that old grabow with me as i wander about the building
>>rhfdpipe wrote>""rusticated grabow fullbent"">> ditto for me--i don't smoke inside, but usually have that old grabow with me as i wander about the building
chuckw Part of the Furniture Now Oct 7, 2009 679 14 Feb 14, 2011 #23 As I dedicate my pipe to certian types of tobaccos, I chose a pipe depending on what I want to smoke at the moment, so I don't have a particular pipe.
As I dedicate my pipe to certian types of tobaccos, I chose a pipe depending on what I want to smoke at the moment, so I don't have a particular pipe.
bronxbriar Starting to Get Obsessed Jul 23, 2010 178 5 New York Feb 14, 2011 #24 This Peterson for sure. I hardly ever smoke in the house but if I must, this does the trick...