The stamping and logo look legit according to Pipephil.the stamping and stem logo in the OP are bothering me.
I didn't see it, but I may not have checked properly, it seems strange to me that a pipe has the store's logo. Savinelli has been manufacturing pipes since 1948, not since 1876, that logo is on the tobacco and accessories.The stamping and logo look legit according to Pipephil.
Savinelli has more lines and models than any other manufacturer.
I am not claiming that it is false. If not, it raises a lot of doubts in me. As to whether it is worth it or not, until the end of the 20th century, Norma de Mexico, a Mexican company dedicated to the distribution of articles for smokers, regularly manufactured its own Savinelli. If it was profitable to do it 20 years ago, with a local sale and using heather, I imagine that for a Chinese manufacturer, who does not use heather and can sell to the whole world, it should be even better.I doubt someone spent the money to have dies made to stamp this pipe. It’s probably a legit Savinelli—the stamp with the date is unusual to see (and very cool!)
The shop opened in 1876 and is considered the founding date of the company, so I don’t think it’s out of place to have such a stamp—it’s just not often seen on pipes (which is why it’s cool).
While pipes with the family name stamped on the stummel probably didn’t appear until the late ’40s, the shop sold pipes from early on with Savinelli cases (I have at least one or two that are pre-WW II, maybe even turn of the 20th Century).
I am not claiming that it is false. If not, it raises a lot of doubts in me. As to whether it is worth it or not, until the end of the 20th century, Norma de Mexico, a Mexican company dedicated to the distribution of articles for smokers, regularly manufactured its own Savinelli. If it was profitable to do it 20 years ago, with a local sale and using heather, I imagine that for a Chinese manufacturer, who does not use heather and can sell to the whole world, it should be even better.
Did it yesterdayE-mail the pics to Savinelli's customer service and ask them if they know when the pipe was made. My guess is it was made for 1976
Savinelli says.
Buongiorno Sig. Rodriguez,
la ringraziamo per la sua e-mail e per averci condiviso le foto.
Purtroppo, i master artigiani mi confermano che non è una vera pipa Savinelli.
Rimaniamo a sua disposizione se dovesse avere ulteriori informazioni,
Distinti saluti,
It's fake.