Picked this up at an antique mall and have no idea what it is or where to start cleaning the stem. Anyone have a clue so I can research it a bit before digging in.
Never seen one like it. But it reminds me of a 20s pipe called "The Percolator". It had a special bundled reed filter setup. To me that's what it looks like. Only much longer. Some sort of special filter or condenser rig. Does it even need cleaning? It looks practically unused! Which might give a clue to how well it worked. Looks interesting though.
Try and unscrew the stem counterclockwise. It's probably a push type. But you never know. There might still be something in there. Clean the chamber with alcohol soaked q-tips. Do the rest as you normally would any pipe.
Very interesting! Are there any marks or stampings anywhere on it? I wonder if that stem is filled with baffles in order to lengthen the distance the smoke travels from bowl to button? As xrundog remarked, the pipe looks brand new. An amazing find.
Absolutely no markings at all. On the briar or stem. It was as interesting so I figured I'd find Somthing about it. It is pretty clean but a complete mystery. The bottom of the stem doesn't appear to come off
Ok. Stem doesn't seem to twist apart onece removed from bowel. Holding it up to the light reveals it has no baffels but runs in a straight line. The large area in the stem seems to do nothing. Im lost.