Here is a list of pipe seconds. Several listed were name brands made for Tinderbox :
Barling Michel
Butz Choquin Dr. Boston
Charatan Ben Wade (at one time), Mount Battens, Tinder Box Unique, Falstaff
Comoy Every Man, Town Hall, Guildhall, Mansion House, Sunrise, Tinder Box Royal Coachman, Newcastle, Royal Falcon, Gresham Giants, Hyde Park
Dunhill Parker, Hardcastle, Savory's Argylle
GBD Irwin, Dr. Plumb, Digby, City Deluxe, English Knight, Country Club
Kriswill Kriscon
Lorenzo Tinder Box Monza
Mastro De Paia Calibano
Nording Aalborg
Peterson Irish Seconds, Shamrock, Erica (system), Captain Pete's, Kinsell
Sasieni Two Dot (somewhere between a second and a first), Claret (a 60's era One Dot, but not a First), Mayfair, Old England, Englandaire, Fantail, Craven, Pickwick, Sandurst, Windsor, Royal Stuart, His Royal Highness, Henley Club, Berkeley Club
Savinell Oscar Fiamatta, Capitol, Estella
Stanwell Royal Danish, Royal Guard, Royal Sovereign, Danske Club, Danish Sovereign
Upshall Tilshead