What is the sweetest smoking pipe you own ?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
Smokes everything I put in it equally well.


What may smoke great for one person may not for another. Packing, puffing technique, environment, etc all play a role in how a pipe will smoke for you.



Dec 7, 2011
This is a recent addition to my pipes... an estate pipe by way of spc. A Design Berlin blasted Rhodesian.

There just is something bizarrely magical about it. It purt near smokes itself, is light as a feather. Broader, flatter bit than most... somehow PERFECT for my dentition. Sits ever so happily in the hand, sits by itself on the table! I think it was all of $34... some of the best money I ever spent in this hobby. Most of my favorite smokers are of Design Berlin/PfeiffenStudio Hartmann's more economical lines. Go figya. :) :puffy:



Nov 13, 2012
Hmm I don't think I have any pipes that smoke a lot better than the others. The one's that turn out to be duds I get rid of.
I had an old Peterson that was my favorite for many years but I think that's now been replaced by my Mimmo Provenzano canadian and the canadian Zack made for me.
Now what if the question was "what is the pipe you reach for most often?" Do you have a pipe that you smoke more than others? Is that because of the tobacco that you like to smoke in it or is it because of the pipe? Is the sweestest pipe in your collection the one you smoke most?



Oct 13, 2015
The 'sweetest' pipe I own is a cadagon era London made comoys sunrise. I've had it for 5 or 6 years from new, sweet & crisp now as it was from the first smoke.

I liked it so much, I bought another sunrise, alas nowhere near as sweet. Just a lucky block of briar for me with the first one.
Here it is:



Dec 19, 2016
I have to be honest---- I like pipes of all kinds, but my sweetest smoking pipes are my meers and a cob I just tried is giving them a good run for their money! That said, the majority of my pipes are still briar and I love 'em all.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
The pipe I reach for most is this Barling Valkyrie that I got in the estate section of smokingpipes .com a year or so ago. It's a simple rusticated billiard with a saddle stem. It was broken in so nicely when I received it. I only use it for English/Lat blends. It's got the perfect weight and balance. Every smoke I have in it seems to be stellar. It is one of the least expensive pipes that I have.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
I have six briars that I smoke, and since Ive only been smoking a little over a year, I feel that they are all in varying degrees of being broken in. I have a Peterson tankard that smokes VA's extremely sweet, and being my first pipe it has had the most smokes out of all of them. My Savinelli 320 has smoked like a champ from bowl one, and just gets better every time I use it. I love my cobs as well, and they have never let me down.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
This little guy.


These guys.


Nevermind, I would end up posting the whole collection. If they don't live up to my standards, they go in the trash.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
Mine is a Swiss made Bernina bent billiard that was given to me by a pal who had retired from smoking.
It is a most unique pipe in that it has two draught holes, each with an aluminium sleeve (how on earth they got them in there is anyone's guess) and is antler/horn stemmed.
Whether it's due to the unusual mechanics of the pipe I can't say but this pipe makes every blend smoked in it really sing. I get flavours from this pipe that my other pipes seem unable to match. If I were to have only one pipe on my desert island then it would be my Bernina!

Nov 14, 2009
Flowery Branch, GA
That is a BE-U-TI-FUL pipe
Thank you. :) This is a pipe that might become an heirloom item as it's not only my first real quality briar, but also a birthday present from my late wife. My kids are still young, so don't know if any of them will be interested in pipes when they get older.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
No pipe among ca. 70-80 smokes sweeter than any other, though a few of them required many bowls before they smoked "right". And my favorite changes with time of year, length of smoke I desire at the time, and pure whim. Most often it's a mid sized Parker basket pipe I bought in London a year ago, as it's usually just the right size, weight and had great straight grain. That I squeezed it out of a basked for a song makes it that much more special.



Might Stick Around
Nov 19, 2015
I have a Radice straight pot with a bulldog shank that is just...well it is just the best. When it is available to smoke (i.e. not resting) it is an easy choice. Nice open draw, straight grained, simply a joy to sit and smoke. I also have a Sav 320KS (author) that is a very close second.

As far as "culling" duds...I've never done it. Perhaps I should. I'm sure one else's style and technique could make them come to life.



Dec 5, 2016
I have a few pipes right now that will be going to a 'pipe spa' to get refashioned because something about them annoys me; the draw is too tight or passing a pipe cleaner is rough or out-of-center, etc. But I agree with what many have said about only keeping 'sweet' pipes (by the description of the thread OP). All the pipes I have can be 'sweet' depending on the situation, with the notable exception of the 3 or 4 that have a date at the Reborn pipe spa next month. I like a variety of shapes of pipes, though I'd say my eye is drawn strongly toward dublins and pots - so perhaps one of those would be closest to my heart.

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