What is the ingredient in pipe tobacco and cigars... that causes the dizziness?

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Sep 14, 2011
the Latakia causes the blend to taste so much more like... dirt, is the substance that comes to mind. And I'm so still in love with my aromatics; I have such a sweet tooth. I can't understand why anyone would love those blends.
And some of us who like latakia blends can't understand why anyone would love sweet aromatics. Just sayin'. ;)



Nov 26, 2011
Nova Scotia, Canada
its the nic dude. as a reformed cig smoker for 30 yrs i had on many ocassions smoked like a half pack in 2 hours while in poker turnys. that much nic goes to ur head an causes shakes, sweats, nausea, dizziness etc, its a nic overdrive, set er down for an hour an ur good to go again



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
This could well be our first forum question that we all agree on. With time that occasional nicotine dizziness will become a nice little buzz. Patience and perseverance, my friend.



Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
I enjoy my daily recommended dose of vitamin N. I find tobaccos with very little nicotine leave me wanting, the slight buzz is integral to the pipe smoking experience.



Jun 2, 2011
Quite honestly, I can do without the buzz. Okay, I guess it's not too bad if it's mild, but I'm currently looking for a smaller bowled pipe for my 1792 Flake. I love that stuff, but about half way through a normal bowl and I'm done!!!

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I'd also point the finger at a high nicotine content. University Flake from Peterson is almost too much nicotine for me. Old Dublin throws my stomach into a whirl wind most times as well. With those high nicotine blends I'd suggest packing less in the pipe and very intermittenly puffing. Might be able to get through a half a bowl without throwing up. I hear ya on not being a fan of Latakia blends pipevilleworld. I'm pretty much just an aromatic smoker myself. They're a better dessert because there's no calories lol.



May 4, 2011
Good old Nicotene. It's a natural pesticide. Kills everything except those Gotterverdammt Tobacco Horn Worms which also go after my peppers and tomatoes. You can actually use used cigarette butts to make a contact poison that will kill a human. don't try this at home though. It will show up in the ME's toxicology report and you will be busted. Sentencing judges and juries tent to hand down some harsh sentences to poisoners, too.



Might Stick Around
Dec 2, 2011
Oh yes, delicious, delicious nicotine *drools*
I'll second what has been mentioned before, smoke slow, put the pipe down if you feel queasy and avoid nic-heavy blends such as Royal Yacht, or any twists and ropes for that matter.



Dec 3, 2011
Pleasanton, CA
I've realized recently that it's pretty hard not to inhale at least a little smoke, even if you're pointedly trying to avoid doing so. I don't like to, as I used to be a cigarette smoker and I'm sure I've damaged my pulmonary system enough.
If you have healthy pink virgin lungs, this probably won't go over so well. I'm not an expert on this but it only makes sense that nicotine absorption (along with anything else in the smoke) will be quicker and more potent in the lungs.
Now you say you were outdoors, but was there any kind of breeze to carry the smoke away? I smoke outside but it gets still at night, enough to where the smoke hangs out long enough to be breathing it in on accident. When you're breathing air with smoke in it, you're getting less oxygen out of a breath ... which can make someone feel light-headed/dizzy.
The pipe in my avatar has been my regular smoke for a couple of weeks, and it holds a bunch of tobacco. I'm still trying to break it in, so I've always been filling it full. Since it's been a few years since I smoked anything, I feel more comfortable smoking the whole bowl in two sittings.
I gotta ask also, were you using a new unsmoked pipe? My first smoke from the above mentioned pipe made me turn green for about six hours.



Mar 22, 2011
I know that tobaccoreview.com lists "a touch of latakia" in MB Plumcake, but according to the Mac Baren website, it's made up of virginias, burley, cavendish (which can be made from either virginia or burley) and rum. No latakia.
That is, unless the recipe has been changed and the web site hasn't been updatd.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 27, 2011
Sierra Foothills
I have compiled a list of Tobaccos that either I or others have experienced as low uptake of nicotine.
Mc Clelland Collector Series: Three Oaks Syrian

GL Pease: Union Square and Meridian

W. O. Larsen Signature

H&H's Sweet & Savory (Oriental and Perique blend)

Lane's BCA and 1Q

Altadis Blue Note ? reviews not good

MB Vanilla Creme

Ferndown Mild Brown

Frog Morton

Hearth & Home Sweet & Savory
Check them out on Tobacco review sights to see if they appeal to you. :puffy:



Dec 5, 2011
Nicotine, no doubt about it
I'm like nsfisher, but still not all the way off cigs... I'm a guy who used to smoke a pack of camels a day, 30 years of it. After a Long flight, straight for the cigarette as I get off the plane... Buzz and dizzy. If I'm hungry.. Nausea.
I noticed Burley blends seem to satisfy my nicotine cravings the best, so yes, I'd say any blend with a solid amount of burley is going to give you the buzz if you're not a cigarette smoker and you smoke your pipe too fast. I noticed I get the tongue burn smoking too fast trying to get the nicotine craving to go away.
Slow down, sip, or like me, I am timing when I'm on the puter. Wait till the minute changes on the clock, sip a couple of times, pipe down, watch clock, repeat. Stupid.. But it works ;-)



Sep 14, 2011
What about pesticides and improper curing of the tobbaco? It seems that cheap cigars and tobbaco make me sick while older tobaccos are much more smoother and palitible.
Better quality tobacco in the good stuff. Additives in the cheap stuff.



Sep 14, 2011
I know that tobaccoreview.com lists "a touch of latakia" in MB Plumcake, but according to the Mac Baren website, it's made up of virginias, burley, cavendish (which can be made from either virginia or burley) and rum. No latakia.
Look at the "overview" on the side of the page, Van.


Loose Cut and Ready Rubbed

Virginia, Burley and just a little Latakia

Jamaica Rum used as topflavour

MacBaren Plumcake

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