What is the BEST American Virginia blend?

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Might Stick Around
Nov 2, 2014
Puyallup, WA
As a fairly green piper, threads of this ilk are much appreciated.

Everybody has their own tastes and favorites (some like Ford, others Chevy).

Here's the key, instead of giving a simple yea or nay you delve right into a blend's background and nuance.

You're insights are very helpful to the unlearned smoking schlub et al.



May 25, 2012
Christmas Cheer is great, but it's a different style from Union Square. The McClelland VAs in general are sweet, dark and well aged before they even reach the tin, whereas Union Square is brighter and has more clarity of flavor (if that makes sense). Both are excellent in their own way.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
Honestly, I have been rather underwhelmed by the McClelland VAs to date. Don't get me wrong, they aren't bad at all, but if I am going to smoke a red VA I prefer Red Ribbon, if I am going to smoke a VaPer, I prefer Gawith St. James Flake to McC St. James Woods. I think the best McClelland I had was some early '90s Christmas Cheer- although I had a couple spectacular bowls and a couple flat bowls with it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
In light of this thread, tonight I decided to try a sample of 1983 McCranie's Red Flake that a forum member gifted me. WOW. I'm ruined on red Virginias.



Oct 18, 2013
if I am going to smoke a VaPer, I prefer Gawith St. James Flake to McC St. James Woods
Gawith does not qualify as an "American" Va/Per
Honestly, I have been rather underwhelmed by the McClelland VAs to date
McCranies RF / RR is made by McClelland and contains the same familiar tin note.
Some McC's 5100 bulk with a little age is another option for those tasty reds.
The Blackwood's Flake is Reds and Stoved Blacks ... an awesome smoke that actually supplanted Darkstar for me.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 3, 2013
Union Square, hands down. Smoked it for the first time last month and the heavens opened. I've smoke my fair share of McClellands VA bllemds, and they are all excellent, but Union Square is better, IMHO.



Oct 14, 2014
I think you're missing out on some of the best examples by keeping things "'merican". There's a ton of diversity in the leaf and blenders won't let a pesky thing like an international stamp stop them from using the ingredients they need to bring out the best in a blend. If it was me, I would comfort myself in the knowledge that all bright leaf has sprung from the good 'ol US while enjoying the variation.
Maybe open it up to top examples of each style of VA?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Best? Quality? Isn't it interesting that we can discuss tobaccos (Even just Virginias) with their many curing techniques, colors, tastes, packaging, age, cut, strength, consistency, inconsistency, additives, etc... and we can accept that quality is subjective in the product we burn, but suggest that quality is subjective in pipes and people lock in for the arguments, ha ha.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
Gawith does not qualify as an "American" Va/Per
I know, I am just saying that I haven't found American tinned blends that beat out my favorites that are tinned somewhere else.
I think you're missing out on some of the best examples by keeping things "'merican".
I am not trying to exclude anything from my consideration, I am just curious if 'merican' tobacco can be as good as some of ye olde English tobacco houses.
McCranies RF / RR is made by McClelland and contains the same familiar tin note.
Also a fact that I am aware of. However, I have heard that the single crop batches used for the McCranies is unique from the McClellands offerings. I think the tin note similarities (ketchup) are due to both being red VAs.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
In light of this thread, tonight I decided to try a sample of 1983 McCranie's Red Flake that a forum member gifted me. WOW. I'm ruined on red Virginias.
It's good stuff! The 1996 batch is pretty similar. Can't speak to the 2000 and 2008 crops, but I'm guessing they are all in the same realm.
I think I might prefer Union Square at 5 years over Red Flake at 21 years. It's that good. I was not impressed by a fresh tin, but once it mellows for a few years, there is some special stuff in there.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I didn't list McCrannies, because he had already listed it. But, yes at the very tip top of my list.

But, I always find it humorous that NO ONE EVER lists a Sutliff or Lane Virginia, ha ha.
Good to see you back escioe. I haven't seen you around in a few weeks. Hope all is well.



Oct 18, 2013
Can't speak to the 2000 and 2008 crops,
The 2000 crop is sublime ... deep, rich and luxurious.

I'm sad to say it's my last tin, at the moment, but I've been really rationing it.

This tin was popped open in August of 2014 and STILL requires dry time:

I always find it humorous that NO ONE EVER lists a Sutliff or Lane Virginia ...
... or English, or VaPer, or Burley ... 8O :mrgreen:



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2014
This is definitely a mouth-watering thread. So many more items will be added to my list of mail ordering.


Mar 1, 2014
Hokey pow I got a second batch of McClelland 2015 in today and it just about melted my face off!

I was using a fully bent pipe and the smoke wouldn't stay out of my face, which is almost becoming enjoyable with some Latakia blends thus it didn't click that my choice of pipe would have some extreme consequences.

It felt more like being attacked by something than smoking a pipe but there was definitely some flavour there.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 19, 2013
Sorry. I like to post my own pics whenever possible. I finished my stock last summer and have yet to replenish..


Lets say there is a reason McC is mentioned so much.

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