Maybe there are Leprechaun "parts" in those blends.
That's exactly what happened. Before the blend's creation, a drunk leprechaun was stumbling along, nose as red as his hair from a bit too much drink, looking at some uncut tobacco leaf. With a terrible case of the hic-ups, from again a bit too much drink, he hic-upped a mighty hic-up, causing him to lose his balance and he fell right into a tobacco shredder. That tobacco made it into both of those blends. Well the blender, at first horrified by the death of the wee little fellow, and somewhat perturbed he never found out where the leprechaun's pot of gold was hidden, and not wanting to let good leaf go to waste, blended it up and smoked it. He liked it so much he hunted down all the remaining leprechauns in the world. He now keeps them down in a dark basement, shackled, and chained to the floor, until it's time to replenish the blend. Then he makes the leprechauns draw straws, the shortest straw meaning that leprechaun will be shredded and blended much like the first. Remember that next time you smoke these blends, you're contributing to the slavery and genocide of leprechauns.
Help stop leprechaun slavery and genocide by calling the Leprechaun Protection Foundation at 1-800-777-GOLD
This has been a public service announcement.