The first tobacco I bought was a Schefield and Sons Co. "house brand" (blended by Mr. B's - aka Brigham - aka Altdis) French Vanilla, a goopy black Cav. wanna-be that simply doesn't offer any tobacco flavour, and no matter how long it sits for, will never dry.
My runner up is P.S. Black Truffle; way too fruity and sweet for my liking. Not bad when tamed with some Latakia (and by some, I mean 50%+), but still not wonderful.
The next two blends will probably stir the pot some, but Dunhill MM965 (current offering) and OGS both leave something to be desired for me. 965 really sends me for a loop, its the only Orlik blended Dunhill re-release that I don't simply love - I think its the Cavendish, which causes a chemical flavour to come through for me. I really, really want to like this stuff, but its just not happening. The OGS reminds me of smoking my preferred brand of cigarette, and dammit, I wan't to avoid my preferred brand!
That said, the other Schefield, Mr. B's (Brigham), PS and Dunhill blends I've tried are all good stuff, just the above mentioned that doesn't agree with me. As for OGS, its the only Orlik labled, Orlik blend I've tried, but seeing as they produce around 40% of my cellars contents, I figure it's nothing to do with the company, just the blend in question not agreeing with me.