I don't think the taste can be described. It might be like asking "what does ice cream taste like?" if you've never had it. Obviously it tastes great, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. But there are variations in taste, as you've no doubt discovered if you've been reading through the many posts on this forum. Tobaccos range widely in their taste profiles, and each of us has individual preferences--we all like different tobaccos, and we agree to respect one another's tastes. My advice would be to invest in a corncob, because it's an inexpensive way to get a great tasting pipe. Then pick up a few tobaccos. Try them and see if pipe smoking is for you. You'll know soon enough if pipe smoking is for you. If it is, you'll branch out to different pipes and tobaccos, and before long you'll develop your own expertise, and be advising the rest of us.