There are no smokers in my family, friends or neighbors. So, they think I'm just a little strange. They thought that before, so this confirms their suspicions. I like to keep them guessing, so that suits me fine.
I have never gotten the girlfriend to indulge in a pipe, but she will occasionally puff on one of the small flavored cigars while I have a pipe if the mood suits her. She has become particular to the Al Capone Rum flavored cigars and the Thompson Cigar Java flavored cigarillos (I bought a bundle for me not too long ago and I think she has smoked more of them than I have.) Maybe one day Ill get her to take the leap.I think I am one of the lucky ones - my wife smokes
When ever I am telling someone for the first time about the pipe, I take off my pants. They are usually so repulsed, they if you'll put your pants back on, go ahead and smoke your pipe.I was just wondering what your family, friends and colleagues reaction is to your pipe smoking, when you first tell them?