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Jun 25, 2021
Tailor-made cigarettes have a staggering 300+ added chemicals, some of which are addictive.
I've not been able to find any info on what's added to RYO tobacco, if any.

Often when a tailor-made smoker bums a RYO, it usually does not satisfy their craving.
That's because RYO don't have any of the added addictive chemicals.

Over 11 years ago I switched from a 30-40 a day tailor-made cigarette addiction to a pipe.
Cold turkey attempts were white knuckle torture for me but switching to a pipe wasn't so bad because psychologically, puffing on a pipe was better than nothing.

How was your experience switching from RYO to a pipe?
I didn't actually miss roll-ups all that much.
What was torture for me was learning how to smoke that pipe.
You know, the gurgles, the dottle, totally jammed up and couldn't get a draw.
I switched 14 years ago, after 4 years I got the hang of it.
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Only my pipe and occasionally cigars, being into cuban cigars first they have a special place in my heart but to be honest they have let me down far too many times.
Maybe a cigar once a month or two when the weather is warm, but they don't satisfy me as much as a good pipe.
Not too mention the price, cigars are far too expensive to even consider down under - will have to save them for very special occasions..

Never thought I'd say it but, cigars just feel ordinary compared to a good blend.


Aug 24, 2019
I didn't actually miss roll-ups all that much.
What was torture for me was learning how to smoke that pipe.
You know, the gurgles, the dottle, totally jammed up and couldn't get a draw.
I switched 14 years ago, after 4 years I got the hang of it.
It's a shame that most of us did not know an experienced pipe smoker or were aware of pipe forums when we started on pipes.
Many who try a pipe get frustrated and give up. I persevered simply to keep off the cigs.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 18, 2014
Bloomfield, IN
I mainly smoke my pipes interspersed with an occasional cigar, or few cigarillo's throughout the day and usually dip Copenhagen when working outside, or driving, or doing anything besides smoking.
I do enjoy a little nasal snuff on occasion as well.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2020
Buenos Aires Province.
Been smoking the pipe,cigarettes and to a much lesser extent cigars for 50 years. I've always been an active outdoor type person which I suspect has helped keep me reasonably fit and healthy.
The wife isn't too keen on my smoking habits so I try my best not to annoy her too much with it. When she does have a moan I tell her she knew when she met me I was already in a long term relationship with tobacco. ?
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Sep 4, 2019
I use to smoke cigarettes in my teens - late 20's. Quit cold turkey and found my way into pipes several years ago. Some here mentioned the smell of a cigarette compared to other forms of tobacco, and I agree. I don't know why the hell cigarette tobacco stinks like that, but it's very true


Aug 29, 2019
Finger Lakes area, New York, USA
All forms of tobacco except cigarettes, but it's 95% pipes, 4% cigars, and 1% snuff, snus, or whatever whim pops up. Anybody know what happened to cigarettes? They used to smell good to me a long time ago. I used to beg people to light up when I was a lad of six or so. A fresh pack of Camels, unfiltered, smelled great either lit or unlit. I particularly liked the mixed scent of tobacco and perfume on a woman. Cigs actually do stink now--to me, like the acrid stench of burning electrical wire. Can the tobacco actually be that bad? Is it just me, or a possible brain tumor developing or something?


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
I've always smoked cigars and only dappled in pipes as kind of a part time pleasure. Once I got to about 50 I began to smoke the pipe much more seriously. I used to smoke two to three cigars a day and two or three pipe bowls a day. Today I smoke one cigar a day and two pipes a day,
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Aug 24, 2019
I use to smoke cigarettes in my teens - late 20's. Quit cold turkey and found my way into pipes several years ago. Some here mentioned the smell of a cigarette compared to other forms of tobacco, and I agree. I don't know why the hell cigarette tobacco stinks like that, but it's very true

The one big difference between tailor-made cigarettes and pipe tobacco is that cigs have 300+ added chemicals while pipe tobacco has none.
This must be the reason why cigs stink and most pipe tobaccos smell pleasant.
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Aug 24, 2019
Only my pipe and occasionally cigars, being into cuban cigars first they have a special place in my heart but to be honest they have let me down far too many times.
Maybe a cigar once a month or two when the weather is warm, but they don't satisfy me as much as a good pipe.
Not too mention the price, cigars are far too expensive to even consider down under - will have to save them for very special occasions..

Never thought I'd say it but, cigars just feel ordinary compared to a good blend.
The rules concerning the import of tobacco into Oz does not apply to cigars would you believe?

When an order of cigars is intercepted, I expect it would be treated the same as tobacco was before the laws changed; one gets sent a duty invoice. If ignored the order gets destroyed and life goes on.

I'm looking into cigars that would be suitable as blending tobacco.
Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
I smoked lucky unfiltered and RYO drum or American spirit blue for a little while back in early 2000. Loved the taste and smell then, still miss it now almost 20 years later.

For me, it was a much different experience compared to having a Marlboro.


Dec 22, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I’ve smoked on and off since high school. Always a “closet smoker” weekends parties etc…. Sports kept me from getting to into smoking cigs. The most I ever smoked was maybe a pack and a half a week. When I turned 36 I gave up golf, quit smoking completely and went headlong into cycling. In 2016 started playing in a band didn’t want to start cigarettes again… Always wanted to smoke a pipe, and thus it began.

To answer the question, now I allow myself a few cigarettes a week with the band, 1 cigar most days while it’s hot in the summer. Back to 1 bowl a day when it cools down. I really enjoy cigars now. Pipe actually brought me to cigars which seems not be the norm.


The rules concerning the import of tobacco into Oz does not apply to cigars would you believe?

When an order of cigars is intercepted, I expect it would be treated the same as tobacco was before the laws changed; one gets sent a duty invoice. If ignored the order gets destroyed and life goes on.

I'm looking into cigars that would be suitable as blending tobacco.
Hopefully my latest order gets through, I have 2oz of Storm Front on the way, which has cigar leaf, hoping it scratches that cigar itch for me.
But yes, what cigars would be best for blending.

Also, what do they mean exactly by cigar leaf? ; Is it just a blanket description for the process of said leaf or is it taken from certain primings/wrapper?

Perhaps @cosmicfolklore may know more as I've read he is fond of the odd cigar leaf blend and is pretty clue-y about the subject..

Unless you just experiment with cigars you like and see how they taste maybe - I'd imagine milder, Dominican cigars maybe best to keep the spice toned down, unless you prefer that profile.
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Aug 24, 2019
Hopefully my latest order gets through, I have 2oz of Storm Front on the way, which has cigar leaf, hoping it scratches that cigar itch for me.
But yes, what cigars would be best for blending.

Also, what do they mean exactly by cigar leaf? ; Is it just a blanket description for the process of said leaf or is it taken from certain primings/wrapper?

Perhaps @cosmicfolklore may know more as I've read he is fond of the odd cigar leaf blend and is pretty clue-y about the subject..

Unless you just experiment with cigars you like and see how they taste maybe - I'd imagine milder, Dominican cigars maybe best to keep the spice toned down, unless you prefer that profile.
Thankfully I realised early on that 2oz of tobacco is treated no differently than a pound [silly me thought they might turn a blind eye to small amounts - nuh] Any tobacco found will be confiscated.
So I figured that I should maximise my efforts by ordering 1lb at a time.

Every successful order brings one a step closer to getting one snatched so I see small orders as a wasted opportunity. [Taking advantage of mail issues due to Covid, I got 12 orders through over the last year before the 13th was intercepted. That's over 12lbs of baccy I would not otherwise have]
Had I not come to that realisation, to order a pound at a time, my 'cellar' would be looking rather sparse by now.

Good luck with the Storm Front. [Sounds nice]

Particular leaf is grown for the 'wrapper' and for the filler leaf but I'll leave your questions for those who've got a better knowledge on the subject to answer.
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