So, I finish my bowl in the driveway after arriving home from work and I proceed indoors. As I always do, I went over to give my wife a kiss. I kiss her on the forehead to be polite (since I just got done with a bowl). I informed her of that fact and I didn't want to gross her out. She then says:
"Nice to know that pipe smoking is more important than kissing me"
I informed my coworker of this and he suggested I should have replied:
"Well, at least I am not as picky as you are" :mrgreen:
Anyways.. what would you have said?
"Nice to know that pipe smoking is more important than kissing me"
I informed my coworker of this and he suggested I should have replied:
"Well, at least I am not as picky as you are" :mrgreen:
Anyways.. what would you have said?