Padilla Reserva
cshubhra Lifer May 11, 2017 12,390 143,035 NJ,USA,Earth,Sol,MilkyWay,Virgo SC, Laniakea SC, Wednesday at 1:43 PM #3,521 Padilla Reserva Reactions: TheIronMonkey, BlueRidge, troutface and 5 others
BenMN Lifer Jun 21, 2023 2,672 45,432 St. Paul, MN Wednesday at 7:17 PM #3,522 Cracker Crumbs from Surrogates If you'd like a strong little 1 hour smoke I have a hard time thinking of a better value. 4.5 X 38, $2.68 right now from our friends @ Smokingpipes Reactions: cshubhra, TheIronMonkey, BlueRidge and 5 others
Cracker Crumbs from Surrogates If you'd like a strong little 1 hour smoke I have a hard time thinking of a better value. 4.5 X 38, $2.68 right now from our friends @ Smokingpipes
troutface Lifer Oct 26, 2012 2,556 15,010 Colorado Wednesday at 9:45 PM #3,523 Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff, which I actually thought was called Blind Man's Puff. A bit of Planteray dark rum on the side. Reactions: cshubhra, TheIronMonkey, Kilgore Trout and 3 others
Caldwell Blind Man's Bluff, which I actually thought was called Blind Man's Puff. A bit of Planteray dark rum on the side.
Speak Easy Lifer Jan 12, 2024 3,177 34,990 44 Western Oklahoma Yesterday at 7:54 AM #3,524 CLE Prieto to start Thursday. Last edited: Yesterday at 8:11 AM Reactions: Rockyrepose, cshubhra, TheIronMonkey and 4 others
Speak Easy Lifer Jan 12, 2024 3,177 34,990 44 Western Oklahoma Yesterday at 10:15 AM #3,525 Moving on to a Foundation Olmec. First one of these I’ve tried. So far a quality smoke. Reactions: Rockyrepose, cshubhra, TheIronMonkey and 3 others
Speak Easy Lifer Jan 12, 2024 3,177 34,990 44 Western Oklahoma Yesterday at 1:03 PM #3,526 Smoked Caramel for lunch. Reactions: Rockyrepose, BenMN, cshubhra and 3 others
atwaterville Can't Leave Nov 15, 2021 438 5,082 Los Angeles, CA Yesterday at 2:38 PM #3,527 Reactions: Rockyrepose, BenMN, Kilgore Trout and 5 others
BingBong Lifer Apr 26, 2024 1,790 7,776 London UK Yesterday at 3:33 PM #3,528 My friend Natasha is in communist Cuba at the moment; she sent me a snap where she is in an airy bar, drinking rum and smoking a No. 4 Montecristo. Such an activity in free London is, of course, strictly forbidden. Reactions: Rockyrepose, BenMN, Kilgore Trout and 2 others
My friend Natasha is in communist Cuba at the moment; she sent me a snap where she is in an airy bar, drinking rum and smoking a No. 4 Montecristo. Such an activity in free London is, of course, strictly forbidden.
cshubhra Lifer May 11, 2017 12,390 143,035 NJ,USA,Earth,Sol,MilkyWay,Virgo SC, Laniakea SC, Yesterday at 4:41 PM #3,529 Earlier I smoked a Cain Maduro Reactions: Rockyrepose, BenMN, Kilgore Trout and 2 others
danimalia Lifer Sep 2, 2015 4,502 27,390 42 San Francisco Bay Area, USA Yesterday at 4:45 PM #3,530 VR Don Alejandro from '15 or '16. This is one of the righteous ones. Draw is perfect which has been unusual for this box. Great cigar. Reactions: Rockyrepose, BenMN, Kilgore Trout and 3 others
VR Don Alejandro from '15 or '16. This is one of the righteous ones. Draw is perfect which has been unusual for this box. Great cigar.