Like a member above, I always felt as a lad that, if I were to smoke, a pipe would be the thing. All of my family were cigarette smokers, except a distant relative who smoked a pipe. Seeing, back in the 1970s, plenty of men (I'm sure there were ladies too, but the social mores of the day forbade female public pipe smoking, it seems to me) lighting up in public and enjoying their pipes wherever they were, simply fuelled the desire. There were also the beginnings of the health campaigns against smoking cigarettes, and pipes and cigars were, believe it or not, actively and enthusiastically recommended by doctors and health councils. Well do I remember seeming scores of younger men taking up the pipe, including many of my teachers in school. My own love affair began at around seventeen/eighteen and I bought a Falcon as my first proper pipe. The aroma, taste, the simple but tantalising acts of filling the bowl, even rubbing out, then the lighting and puffing, all create an aura and a mystique about them. Pipe smoking is absolutely enticing and compulsive, I'm afraid. After several years of having just one or two pipes and one brand of tobacco, the last twelve months have seen an absolute explosion as I have began to buy new pipes and try new blends. I hope to continue for as long as health, finance and opportunities allow.