I'm a huge Marvel Comics fan, and against my better judgement, I ventured out to the theater to see the newest MCU film, Captain America: Brave New World.
It wasn't terrible, and it wasn't the worst, but it certainly wasn't the best of the MCU films to date. To be fair, I think the Captain America series of films have consistently been the best of the lot, so this film had very high standard to live up to.
For those unfamiliar, the MCU has transitioned from the original Steve Rogers Cap after the events in Avengers: Endgame and the mantle has been picked up by his sidekick, Sam Wilson (the Falcon). The difficulty of the transition was depicted on the Disney+ series Falcon and the Winter Soldier. This was the first big screen outing with the "new Captain America" who is really a hybrid of the two characters.
I really like the Steve Rogers Captain America. I really like the modern MCU rendition of the Sam Wilson Falcon. I don't really like the hybrid Captain Falcon character.... It just doesn't work for me.
As for the film, it tells a complete story from start to finish, but it feels incomplete. The climax came far to late in the film which left little time for a pivotal moment or final battle. The final battle felt rushed and also incomplete. The film left me wanting more, far more, but not in a good way. Not in a, this is a cliffhanger, sort of way... It left me wanting more because there was a lot missing. Character development. Story development. Furtherance of the "big picture" in the MCU. I know it's supposed to be part of the overarching narrative, but Im struggling to see where and how this film fits into that narrative. (This has been the case with Marvel a lot lately.)
I'm saddened to say, I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone except the most hard core of Marvel fans. Wait until it comes out on a streaming platform. At best, (2.5/5*), but still 1,000 times better than The Eternals.

It wasn't terrible, and it wasn't the worst, but it certainly wasn't the best of the MCU films to date. To be fair, I think the Captain America series of films have consistently been the best of the lot, so this film had very high standard to live up to.
For those unfamiliar, the MCU has transitioned from the original Steve Rogers Cap after the events in Avengers: Endgame and the mantle has been picked up by his sidekick, Sam Wilson (the Falcon). The difficulty of the transition was depicted on the Disney+ series Falcon and the Winter Soldier. This was the first big screen outing with the "new Captain America" who is really a hybrid of the two characters.
I really like the Steve Rogers Captain America. I really like the modern MCU rendition of the Sam Wilson Falcon. I don't really like the hybrid Captain Falcon character.... It just doesn't work for me.
As for the film, it tells a complete story from start to finish, but it feels incomplete. The climax came far to late in the film which left little time for a pivotal moment or final battle. The final battle felt rushed and also incomplete. The film left me wanting more, far more, but not in a good way. Not in a, this is a cliffhanger, sort of way... It left me wanting more because there was a lot missing. Character development. Story development. Furtherance of the "big picture" in the MCU. I know it's supposed to be part of the overarching narrative, but Im struggling to see where and how this film fits into that narrative. (This has been the case with Marvel a lot lately.)
I'm saddened to say, I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone except the most hard core of Marvel fans. Wait until it comes out on a streaming platform. At best, (2.5/5*), but still 1,000 times better than The Eternals.