Peterson ‘23 PPN XL5BC with Ries’ Three Star Blue. Glorious day on the deck and Iowa vs. Iowa State after bit! Have some great company - almost 17 months old - time flies.
Smoking Odds and Ends in a cob while doing yard work. I threw in a good dose of Ryback this morning to give it more body. The mix is so smooth and flavorfulI now. I wish I knew exactly what is in it. I’d mix it up by the pound.
Moving to a bowl of Boswell’s Private Stock. It’s their VaPer. Only my second bowl of this. It irritated my mouth pretty bad last time, but it’s had a few months to mellow and I have been able to handle perique better. It’s flavorful but it’ll hurt you if you puff too hard. It will burn hot quick when my cadence is too fast. Smoking it in my Orlik 6379.
Did a set of walking reps on this warm, humid day, and am not far from finishing this bowl of year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a tapered black vulcanite stem. Lunch follows this smoke. Watching the Yankees-Cubs game.
Early afternoon bowl of Peterson Early Morning Pipe in a cob while doing some shortwave radio listening. The tin note of EMP isn't for me, but I sure do enjoy smoking it!
Enjoyed a tall stack of cinnamon raisin French toast with unsalted peanuts and a golden delicious apple on the side. I had this same menu for lunch yesterday, too, and since I didn't gain any weight from it, I figured I'd try it again. Now smoking year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY Natural 4AB No. 6/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. Gold Star 50th, neat, is my drink. Sleepy Suzy is by my side. Harry the Hairy stood driveway guard while I was walking earlier. Tomato the Brave walked part of a lap with me until he got distracted by a squirrel, and tried to chase it down. Still haven't seen Abner the Eager today.
This year’s Quiet Nights in Northern Briars. In comparison to the 2015 I have, it is less complex, sweet, and no vinegar as well as the Latakia is a little more stout as expected. Still a wonderful smoke. Honestly, the aged is a decent step up.