Have you had Embarcadero? That is probably my favorite Virginia-Oriental blend, and am curious how this one compares.
@danimalia Embarcadero has Izmir and is a flake and Geometrie has vintage Izmir and Basma leaf with the red Virginia‘s. The plug is dense and has plenty of moisture (more than I have found in most of the Pease offerings) but I haven’t been drying it at all. Air and a week in the tin really opens up the flavour and my best preparation so far has been cube cut and then rub those cubes out so you end up with fine cube flake. Floral/sweet/savoury and lovely mouth feel and the bready baked goods really shows on the retro. I’ll go out on a limb and say with some age this could be one of the best new tobaccos made.
I think Pease is onto something with this series and I plan to try them all to see what he’s trying to do and I’m very keen to see what he brings to the table with the 4th and last member of this group as well. Geometrie is definitely worth your time and $$$.