Aromatics are real tobacco and what keeps the pipe tobacco market alive. Just takes a long time to get the hang of them. I would never suggest them to beginners.
You certainly have a lot more experience than me. I’d have to say, when I was a new pipe smoker, and someone mentioned Aromatics, I assumed, they were all about the same, heavily topped, goopy, wet, super sweet, and hardly any tobacco taste, just the taste of toppings.
Now, I’d like to think, from what I’ve experienced, we have light, medium and heavy topped Aros.
I would think, if someone can get the same flavors I have in a 2022 tin of Grousemoor, which is like a VA, with lemon herbal tea notes, as long as someone likes lemon, it’s an extremely light easy smoke.
KBV Sakura, seems like another amazing Aro, for a beginner too.
I think as long as someone finds the nicer light/medium Aros, beginners should be ok, not something like Rattray’s Exotic Passion.
And I would think, if someone wants to keep it old school, more codger like, the original recipe of Wilke’s 515 is a really good classic choice for an Aro to start on.
P.S. I would of thought with the rum, GLP Windjammer would be classified too as an Aro.