C&D Big'n'Burley, a very robust English, in my one-and-only P-lip, a Pete Killarney smooth 999. This blend is perfect when you need a full strength burley that usually isn't overbearing. Just smoke it slow and enjoy. I always like my P-lip when I get around to smoke it, as a change of pace. I've never bought another, but like having the one. This is my reward for dismantling a stand-up garden box that began to topple to pieces after five or six years. I transplanted the four o'clocks out of it into the ground and may burn the wood in our outdoor fire pit. The city gets huffy about putting "construction materials" in the trash bin, though I may smuggle a few smaller bits out in the trash. Otherwise they make you pay a fee to pick up heavier things left at he curb. That's the "joy" of living in town. On the other hand, the plastic stand-up garden out back is doing just fine. My wife is somewhat mobility limited, so the stand-up gardens are helpful to her. She loves growing things, whereas I tend to be the hand of doom to plants.