Relaxing after a wonderful spaghetti and meat sauce dinner with a big slice of apple raisin cinnamon swirl pie and ice cream for dessert. I've a third of a bowl left of year 1999 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed in a smooth medium bend straight grain 2000 Winslow C silver spigot wide top Dublin with a canted plateau and black acrylic stem. Watching the Red Sox-Astros game.
Now smoking Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight late ‘50s, early 1960s Lane era Charatan Selected 43 Dublin with a black vulcanite double comfort stem. This pipe was formerly owned by actor William Conrad, too! My second Conrad pipe.
Now smoking year 2014 MacBaren Three Nuns in a 1970s slight bend poker-like Caminetto business 134 with a pearl gold acrylic stem. Working and listening to the Red Sox-Astros game.
Now smoking Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a very much appreciated 1979 brown, slight bend grain etched flat front Stanwell Rego 969-48 (09) with a black vulcanite stem.
Last smoke of the day is Angler's Dream in a slight bend 1984 Stanwell Antique 124 grain etched with a smooth front with a black vulcanite stem. Just fed the cats, and am doing some research for a project.