***What Are You Smoking *** (Sept. 2014)

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
^Jiminks I noticed you smoked some SPC Plum Pudding some 22hrs ago. I'm getting my bacci and bowl ready for the same stuff. Any recommendation on packing method and/or dry time? I'll be smoking from a Grabow Freehand.
I smoked my first bowl of mentioned bacci the other night. Just crumbled and stuff it in. It smoked for almost 2hrs with about 1/2hr resting time between 4 relights. I enjoyed PP very much! Any feedback would appreciated.
Best smoke, Donavan



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
^Cosmic^ digging the Bulldog and the choice of stem! Looking to get a predrilled briar to carve over the incoming long winter months here MN.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
P&W Nut Brown Burley in a 2014 smooth medium bend Basil Meadows egg with an aluminum band and a "root beer swirl" acrylic stem.
Elduderino: Cut it in thin slices and fold and stuff them, or you could cut the slices small enough to lay one on top of each other, depending upon the width of your bowl. It takes a little work, but you'll avoid the dust and get better flavor. I see you broke off little chunks, though I really don't like that idea. You'll have a worse burn rate - meaning lots of relights - and dottle. Did you experience that?



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
FVF in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic military mount 320KS author.

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