Orlik Golden Sliced in the wide, deep bowl of a Danish-made Stanwell Brass Band #95. Now that's what I read about! TBH my first two (small) bowls of this were great, but underwhelming. More space, more time and we're singing.
Listing this early so I can do things without being on the computer: MacBaren Plum Cake in a light brown 1979 rusticated medium bend Italian Sir Jeffrey Dublin sitter with a flared top and yellow stem.
I was slack in posting that I had FVF in a Full bent Nordhalla earlier, and then I dropped by The Briary to pick up some Top Hat. I'm smoking Top Hat in a Growley made Old Uncle Snort bamboo poker.
Borkum Riff limited edition 11 mixture with trinidad rum in a 1970 Algerian briar Edward's Coachman.
Edit: seldom do I put an unfinished bowl down, but I was willing to make an exception in the case of this tobacco. You have to sip very slowly to keep it from biting, but when you do, you find that the tobacco just doesn't taste very good.