Here's to the next Eight State release (2024 perhaps?)!Cornell & Diehl Eight State Burley from February 2022 in an Altinay translucent meerschaum billiard
Here's to the next Eight State release (2024 perhaps?)!Cornell & Diehl Eight State Burley from February 2022 in an Altinay translucent meerschaum billiard
I like it! Looking forward to watching it color.Awesome! Enjoy the smoke! Let us know how you like it!
Who knew about these?!?! And the nice cigar holders make it easier if you just want to cut off a half and smoke away. I like it and will try.I have no idea what you’ve got going on here, but pretty sure I would like it.![]()
Sounds like you are preparing yourself for battle. I wish you godspeed and patience. Had a rough day myself with another anticipated for tomorrow.Although it was just a small cigarillo, I did not finish my Toscanello Nero yesterday night. I am doing it today, in the morning, with the coffee. Typing on the PC some handwritten texts, listening to harp music, trying to "meditate" before -in about an hour- throwing myself into the soulcrusher for another workday.
I wish a good shift to those that have one ahead, a good rest to the rest, a nice Tueasday to all good people!
We had good national press, our record company spent so much on the record they hardly had anything left for distribution. It didn’t get promoted right and then we broke up, which never helps!A small label just pressed a vinyl release this year. We are basically sitting on it till we figure out how to promote it. There could be a reunion show but that would be a stretch for all of us. we will see.
WHFS is DC area? I got to record at inner ear studios in DC and put out a record when I was 14, that was a blast. It was punk rock and not so was fun though.
First bowl today is 2018 Quiet Nights in a Radice Rind Pure Billiard with Bamboo detailing. Hot cocoa on the side on a cold October day. My birthday, in fact.
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