F&T Cut Virginia Plug in a Stanwell 98 Golden Danish lovat. Drinking black coffee.
Man I love that blend! Some very unique stuff!
Try rubbing it out. It may helpC&D Star of the East Flake in a Ropp Biarritz Billiard, very bland and uninspiring. I emptied the bowl and pack it with G.L.Pease Blackpoint for a proper English mixture. I'll revisit Star of the East Flake one more time in a prepacked pipe so that the tobacco stays aired for a few hours.
Best of fortune on interview. I had a pet hedgehog years ago. At the time he was a fugitive illegal alien from a research lab!Slowed down with the pipe smoking of late, but tonight needs a treat for a job interview put behind me (not sure yet about the outcome). Petersons deluxe navy rolls in a Sav while the resident hedgehog is noisily crunching the cat food just next to me. View attachment 45769