Relaxing after a wonderful salad, pork chops and fresh green beans dinner with red grapes for dessert. Almost half way through this bowl of year 2012 Hamborger Veermaster in a 2002 black short shank grain relief straight Caminetto 6.L.17 tomato with a black acrylic tapered stem. Astros lead 2-1 in the 4th.
Enjoying a bowl of 8 or 9 year old Escudo in an old GBD saddle bit pot at the end of a day not nearly as long as it seemed. Nothing like a pipe meditation.
Puffing on some Dunhill Flake in a Comoy's bully with a cracked shank, while in the fifth inning of the BB game. Had supper of ravioli, meat and cheese on top. Bubbling flavored water is at hand.