Relaxing after a wonderful salad and chicken picotta dinner with vanilla bean ice cream fro dessert. Now smoking Wilke High Hat in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a silver band and a pearl brown acrylic saddle stem.
Almost half way through this bowl of Sutliff Panna Cotta in a 1975 medium bend sandblasted looking, smooth on the sides yellow Pioneer meer with a black ferrule and vulcanite stem in the military mount style. Nats are pouring it on to the Cards.
Now smoking Watch City VaBur Test Sample # 3 in a medium bend 2000 thin stem sandblasted black silver spigot Ardor Urano Sherlock Holmes #68/100 D.R. briar calabash with a smooth flared top and a black acrylic stem.