Smokers Haven 20th Ann. Mixture in a Capitello rain drop.
philobeddoe Lifer Oct 31, 2011 7,592 12,463 East Indiana Oct 27, 2012 #921 Smokers Haven 20th Ann. Mixture in a Capitello rain drop.
mikemacrdlnds Part of the Furniture Now Dec 21, 2011 537 0 Oct 27, 2012 #922 H&H LJ Heart Burly in a Hardcastle Bulldog
brian64 Lifer Jan 31, 2011 10,319 17,082 Oct 27, 2012 #923 Nothing since August due to these Corporate Criminals in the insurance business Click to expand... I feel your pain Hobie. This bowl's for you...University Flake in a meer. Hope you can get back to puffin' soon.
Nothing since August due to these Corporate Criminals in the insurance business Click to expand... I feel your pain Hobie. This bowl's for you...University Flake in a meer. Hope you can get back to puffin' soon.
garyovich Starting to Get Obsessed Jul 22, 2012 270 0 Oct 27, 2012 #924 St. James Flake in a Peterson Malahide Rusticated
cortezattic Lifer Nov 19, 2009 15,147 7,642 Chicago, IL Oct 27, 2012 #925 Newminster #80 Norway Pipe Cut in a Nording freehand.
tjameson Lifer Jun 16, 2012 1,191 4 Oct 27, 2012 #926 Scotty's Butternut Burley in a cob today just needed something easy today and it fit the bill. Tommorow I'm loading up the Amphora Canadian with Plum Pudding.
Scotty's Butternut Burley in a cob today just needed something easy today and it fit the bill. Tommorow I'm loading up the Amphora Canadian with Plum Pudding.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 Oct 27, 2012 #927 Anniversary Kake in a 1979 Chippendale (Charatan second) Rhodesian 49 that smokes like a first.
checotah Part of the Furniture Now Feb 7, 2012 504 3 Oct 27, 2012 #928 Haddo's Delight in an older bent bulldog meer.
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 Oct 27, 2012 #929 Half&Half in a MM Diplomat cob.
zanthal Lifer Dec 3, 2011 1,835 1 Pleasanton, CA Oct 27, 2012 #930 Halfling's Leaf in a pearwood sitter
bdstansel Starting to Get Obsessed Aug 4, 2012 245 0 6th Generation NATIVE Floridian, currently elsewhe Oct 27, 2012 #932 Breakfast of Champions... SG Celtic Talisman in a Pete Killarney 01
thesmokindragon Lifer Jul 12, 2011 4,142 4,551 The Matrix Oct 27, 2012 #933 SG 1792 flake in a Storient LVC meer w/side of black coffee, good morning to all...
lordofthepiperings Lifer May 3, 2010 6,553 1,982 Las Vegas, NV Oct 27, 2012 #934 Peterson's Connoisseur's Choice in my Savinelli Miele 677 KS
JimInks Sultan of Smoke Aug 31, 2012 65,893 686,541 Oct 27, 2012 #936 Starting off the day the current Three Nuns tinned version in a medium bent straight grain Ardor Venere Extra signed by Dorelio Rovera.
Starting off the day the current Three Nuns tinned version in a medium bent straight grain Ardor Venere Extra signed by Dorelio Rovera.
crazypipe Lifer Sep 23, 2012 3,484 0 Oct 27, 2012 #937 Good morning to all, smoking prine albert in a savinelli bent i got when i was a member of the gray fox . ::
Good morning to all, smoking prine albert in a savinelli bent i got when i was a member of the gray fox . ::
papipeguy Lifer Jul 31, 2010 15,777 42 Bethlehem, Pa. Oct 27, 2012 #938 SG Chocolate Flake in a Nording Signature.
ghost Lifer May 17, 2012 2,001 4 Oct 27, 2012 #939 Having a quick one, Sweet Killarney in a Grabow. Surprisingly good, but the SK is only making me long for a tin of Sunset Breeze...
Having a quick one, Sweet Killarney in a Grabow. Surprisingly good, but the SK is only making me long for a tin of Sunset Breeze...
cigrmaster Lifer May 26, 2012 20,248 57,314 67 Sarasota Florida Oct 27, 2012 #940 Dunhill Flake in a Ardor Urano Fantasy.