Been running some errands for the Mrs. Started out with English Luxury in a MM county gent and then tried a bowl Sam Gawith's Chocolate Flake in a MM Mizzou. The chocolate flake,just shot up to my favorite tobacco, awesome smoke.
Revor Plug in a straight smooth Old Block Dublin with a conical bowl and a pointy bottom.
@jiminks - that Modern Virginia looks good. Great review. I'm not usually one for aro's, but I'll give the flake a go!
Andy, the Modern Virginia is mildly aromatic. You will get the tobacco flavor, too. Think of it as a cousin of Dunhill Flake, with a different topping and a little more earthy and strength.
Now smoking Sail Yellow Match in a 1982 smooth straight Sasieni Ivory 105 Apple. I'll be smoking Modern Virginia later this evening.