Trying out some Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia in the Dr. Grabow Lark this morning, which is weird for me since I don't usually smoke Virginias.
In spite of my usual aversion to Virginias (due mostly to the tongue bite they almost always seem to give me) I found Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia to be very cool burning and flavorful, with the whole range of Virginia tobacco flavors present and accounted for. There's a little bright grassiness and hay, a little green tea, a little dark breadiness, a vegetal note, and subtle natural sweetness. It's all the Virginia flavors in one, is quite smooth on the retrohale all the way to the bottom, and I like it a lot more than I thought I would. It burned very slowly, though it did require quite a few relights in spite of being dried until nearly crispy before smoking. The nicotine hit was a good substantial medium too, which I always appreciate. No perceptible tongue bite, and only a touch of throat dryness. It's really pleasant stuff and I could easily see myself having no trouble smoking a whole tin of this, assuming I don't get some surprise tongue bite showing up later.