Edward G. Robinson in a Dr. Grabow Viscount. This blend smokes well in this little pipe.
Dr. Strange was my favorite comic book as a child. Glad to find out who created it. Thanks for posting.Just finished smoking 1980s American Tobacco Co. Bourbon Blend in a 1975 medium bend sandblasted looking, smooth on the sides yellow Pioneer meer with a black vulcanite stem.
Today is the late Steve Ditko's birthday. For those who don't know, Steve was the co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange. He plotted and drew a very memorable run of Hulk stories in the 1960s, recreated Captain Atom and the Blue Beetle, too. He also created, co-wrote and drew Shade the Changing Man, Stalker, Speedball, Hawk and Dove, The Creeper, and my favorite, Mr. A. There's an big list of other features he drew, too. He was one of my favorite comic book creators, and I was fortunate to work with him a couple of times. A very reclusive man, I felt blessed to have known him, and spend some time with him. A great man... one of the most creative, brilliant, honest human beings I ever knew.
In my bent spigot I only smoke English blends. It only seems fitting.A third of the way through this bowl of D&R Windsail in an undated straight black sandblasted Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baker Street with a sterling silver band and a tapered black vulcanite fish tail stem. I couldn't decide what to smoke in this new-to-me pipe, so I settled on Windsail for the moment. I may switch to an English, or should I keep it a straight Va. pipe? Decisions, decisions....