Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Spaghetti Western in a smooth unfinished brown slight bend 2015 Savinelli 320KS author with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Relaxing after a tasty lunch and am part way through this bowl of year 2012 Hamborger Veermaster in a post WW2 Pre-Republic Peterson Dublin straight smooth X155 Bulldog with a sterling silver band and a black vulcanite p-lip stem. Watching Mad Dog Russo.
C&D Star of the East in a Baraccini anse. Knowing Ive got to go cover the spigots tonight as winter is coming, supposed to drop low, and haul off the garbage.
Thanks! It was an early christmas gift from my fiancé. It's got a genuine amber stem. She was worried it might sell before christmas so she got it sooner. (And she couldn't wait to show me lol) Smoking pipes only had 2 in stock, and apparently amber doesnt come around too often... Shes definitely a keeper.