Lancer slices ran through a coffee grinder just enough to bring it to a medium cut then dried for about a half hour on a terra-cotta dish in a Chris Morgan bones stubby poker.
Enjoyed a little snacking and am now smoking 1950s Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Edgeworth Ready Rubbed in a medium bend dark brown 2017 Don Warren 17 smooth straight grain rough top Dublin with a multi-brown cumberland stem and ferrule in the military mount style.
Life is short. Smoke dessert first. Enjoying a change of pace with some Country Squire Thin Mint in a tiny Peterson Calabash Churchwarden before a clam chowder and sourdough dinner.
Now smoking Sutliff Dunhill Elizabethan Match in an old favorite smooth 1977 Medley (GBD second) medium bend billiard with a flat underside with a black vulcanite saddle stem.
Now smoking Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard with a black acrylic tapered stem.
Also smoking Directors Cut in an old and very craggy Savinelle Capri. It’s really not a very nice looking pipe, but it loves VaPar flakes and apparently it also understands HU’s DC.
The Savinelle was a throwaway that came for free with a nice blast Dunhill ODA Dublin. I must smoke the Savinelle 50 times for every one time I smoke the ODA.
Life is full of mysteries to contemplate over a bowl.