Part way through this bowl of Wilke Lizzie Blood Virginia in a straight 1960s Lane era Charatan black with burgundy undertone sandblasted billiard 420 with a black vulcanite tapered stem.
Directors Cut in my first pipe; a (now) old Comoy “Rover”. This is a formidable, thick walled and heavy pipe, you could drive tent stakes with it into rocky soil. But, it smokes this tobacco very well.
Just aimlessly driving around until my boss calls me... Enjoying a bowl of pembroke in the GBD full bent Tapestry... Corporate decided to pay a visit. Boss snuck me out the back and told me to cruise around until corprate left... Technically Im still on the clock but not even working... Boss was worried my beard would get me fired. Very unusual Saturday night to say the least. Getting paid to drive around and smoke my pipe.
A third of the way through this bowl of Watch City Deluxe Crumb Cut in a 2016 Peretti's M.T. Natural made in Holland straight smooth brown Algerian briar billiard with a black acrylic tapered stem. Working and listening to the BBC.
Decided to go ahead and list my next smoke so I can concentrate on work for a while: D&R Raccoon’s Delight in a smooth 1976 Canadian GBD Seventy Six 256 with a black vulcanite saddle stem.