Relaxing after a wonderful chicken a pintos dinner with a bowl of Wilke No. 44 in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver Line egg with a black acrylic tapered stem.
Enjoyed a bowl of a local blend called blend of the bench in a MM cob. Now I’m about to light a bowl of Peterson’s old Dublin in a jeantet pocket sized pipe
A quarter of the way through this bowl of D&R Raccoon’s Friend in a pre-1980s straight dark brown Comoy's Sandblast 186 billiard with a black vulcanite tapered stem. Working and listening to Clapton!
About a quarter of a bowl left of 1999 Friedman & Pease Fools Cap in a 1938 straight black grain relief Dunhill OX Shell bulldog with a silver band repair and a black vulcanite stem. Taking a short work break.